In Malawi, it built the 1st school printed on the 3D of Africa, in a span of 18 hours, with a total of 56 m2.
Holcim in partnership with CDC Group and 14Trees managed to carry out this key project in the gap of the educational infrastructure.
Technology and Construction
This school is proof that the innovative application of the technology in the building you can create projects that minimize the environmental footprint, as well as costs, materials, and construction times.
The process of 3D printing can be the answer to the need, as essential as education is, build quality classrooms that are sustainable and can be set up in strategic points of difficult access for transfers of children to be reduced and so that they can receive the proper education near their homes.
Process of 3D Printing
The project of the 1st school printed in 3D in Africa highlights the potential of 3D printing for the provision of housing and schools that combat some of the global challenges that we live in today, such as poverty, inequality and climate change.
We plan to build 36,000 classrooms throughout Africa, which would take 70 years following the method of traditional construction, but according to the method of 3D printing is estimated to take place in 10 years this project, the following classrooms are to be built in Kenya, and Zimbabwe.
This type of projects besides giving the opportunity to study at the children, will help to create jobs to local people, they will be trained to operate the machines and 3D to perform carpentry work, roofing, painting and more.

In addition to the construction of schools, this method can be used to develop projects in other specialty, the improvement in the times is the biggest plus that give these 3D printers.
The material patented by Holcim is made of a mixture of cement, sand, and additives that achieves a performance similar to concrete.
GDC Group and 14trees will continue to support the projects of the Holcim. Learn more about this project HERE...
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