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Infrastructure Resilient

15 May, 2023
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Infraestructura resiliente tahm portada
Infraestructura resiliente tahm

Currently there is a need for having infrastructure resilient, that adapts and recovers to natural disasters and climate of the near future.

What is Resilience?

Resilience is the ability to overcome adverse situations and adapt to this new environment in a constructive manner.

What is the Infrastructure?

The urban infrastructure is the set of spaces that allow the development and functioning of the human life, spaces for the development of activities of daily living and recreational activities.

Currently 56% of the world population lives in cities and it is estimated that in a couple of years will be 70%, which raises the need to design Resilient Cities.

Infrastructure Resilient

The resilience of the infrastructure is the prevention, absorption, recovery, and adaptation in a timely and efficient spaces and essential functions of the infrastructure, which have been exposed to risks.

The implementation of the resilience throughout the life cycle of the cities must be made by the management of risks, the evaluation of these and applying methods that include the systemic nature of the infrastructure.

Sets Urban and Infrastructure Resilient – Sustainable

The networks of traditional infrastructure in an urban area and/or in the region where you are located, should take note of these new concepts and approach not only to the efficiency and functionality, but these other aspects that influence the quality of life of the people, being essential part of what we call the urban community.

The infrastructure resilient allows you to minimize risks and improve the quality of the urban ensemble.

Infrastructure Resilient

Benefits of the Infrastructure Resilient – Sustainable

Invest in infrastructure resilient unlock economic opportunities for cities.

Future more secure, inclusive and prosperous.

Savings in energy, water, transport and telecommunications.

The infrastructure resilient are the projects that are planned, designed, constructed, operated and dismantled under the criteria of sustainability, economic, financial, social and environmental.

The resilience of cities leads to the infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable for developing countries.

The infrastructure resilient is a foundation for the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), Agenda 2023 for Sustainable Development and the goal of carbon from the Paris Agreement.

Infrastructure Resilient and Sustainable Development Goals

ODS 9 tahm arquitectura

ODS 9: infrastructure Build resilient, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation.


9.to Facilitate the development of sustainable infrastructure and resilient development in developing countries through the increased support of financial, technological and technical.

9.4 by 2030, upgrade infrastructure and restructure industries to be sustainable, using resources more effectively and to promote the adoption of technologies and industrial processes, clean and environmentally sound.

The infrastructure resilient-sustainable is the opportunity to implement the permanent transformation and friendly with the environment and generate growth in the economy of the communities.

You know the Sustainable Development Goals HERE and the Paris Agreement HERE.

Establish connections and experiences between people and the urban environment is one of our main objectives, through urban spaces, dynamic, resilient, diverse, and mixing applications.

We design spaces safe and attractive environmentally responsible.

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