Our work is based on the continuous improvement and integration of services and experience of our professional work. We provide different services in one place such as: pre-design and financial viability, architectural design and urbarno, executive project, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and sustainability.
We start from the needs of each client, site, context, investment and expectations. We support a work environment that is holistic, where the design and the constructive development are the basis of our work, which is complemented with current technological tools, such as the methodology BIM, which allows us to be more efficient in our processes and collaborate in an optimal way with all the parties involved in the project.
We strive to implement sustainable strategies, realistic and economically viable, so the developments are less expensive, more efficient, operate and maintain, but that is environmentally responsible with their environment, minimizing their negative environmental impact and optimizing natural resources, human and economic, are available.

Architectural design and Project Executive
We collaborate with the client in the different phases of the design and development process of the project. From the early stages, until the construction documents and complementary services during the work.
- Feasibility / Pre-Design. Feasibility
- Conceptual design and Schematic / Schematic Design (SD)
- Development of Design / Design Development (DD)
- Construction documents / Construction Documents (CD)
- Coordination and integration of Engineering
- Architectural direction of Work
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
We develop projects using the methodology of Building Information Modeling (BIM).
This methodology allows us a comprehensive view of the process and involves all stakeholders, optimizing the process of design, construction, operation and maintenance of the project.
Some of the scopes that we developed with this tool are:
- Previous analysis of Costs
- Architectural Modeling
- Integration of Engineering
- Interference detection (clash detection)
- Quantification of Materials (Schedule / Quantities sheets)
- Documentation of the Project in 2D (flat) and 3D
- Sequence Constructive (Video).

Sustainability, Certifications, and Energy Efficiency
Design, development and specification for projects that must comply with any local regulations sustainable NOM, NMX or international certification, such as LEED®, Edge®, SITES® o WELL®, among others. We get involved from the initial evaluation and selection of the best strategies that comply with the criteria of sustainable economic, social and desired.
We implement the strategies of design and specifications are necessary to improve the energy efficiency of the building, generating operational savings and create spaces that are more healthy and healthy for all its inhabitants, without compromising the profitability of the project.
- Diagnosis and Implementation of strategies that LEED®.
- Pre-assessment for certification EDGE®.
- Energetic modeling and preliminary Bioclimatic Design
- Evaluation and Financial Analysis of sustainable strategies.
- Integrated design and specifications for LEED certification®.
- Application of National and International Standards.
Planning, Urban Design and Public Space
We develop projects at different scales, from the architectural to the urban, our main goal is to design spaces where we can improve the quality of life of the people and the development of their families within a group, creating communities urban sustainable, economically profitable, socially attractive. legally viable and environmentally responsible.
Intervene in existing places within the city, to restore their connection with the people and their environment, creating a mix of uses and activities in a way that benefits both the investor as of the inhabitant, places, flexible to adapt to changes in the time and style of life of the people.
We develop urban projects of different type:
- Master Plan and Urban Sets
- Rebuild, Rescue and Urban Improvement
- Urban planning and Spatial Planning
- Landscaping

Areas of Expertise
We have extensive experience in different types and scale of projects, such as the following: