Sustainability, Certifications, and Energy Efficiency
Our goal is to be a strategic ally in the area of design for our customers, by which we commit ourselves to continuous improvement, training and innovation in our services.
We are a member of the USGBC (U. S. Green Building Council) and of the WGBC (World Green Building Council) via Add Sustainability to Mexico BC, two of the main reference to the global level in the field of sustainable building, our team has the accreditations of these organisms that attest to our expertise in this area. In addition to a number of external consultants to complement our services and experience.
Currently, our industry requires us to rethink the way we design, build and operate buildings, in addition to the impact on the site and its environment. The implementation of a sustainable approach goes beyond a trend, environmental, and requires us to buildings more energy efficient, healthy, and profitable.
1.Diagnosis and Implementation of strategies LEED®
From the early stages of the design and conception of the project we evaluate the best strategies to meet the credit and level of certification desired. Together with the client and stakeholders to define the opportunities and strengths of the project which will take us to establish the basis of design of the project.
2.Pre-assessment for certification EDGE®
From the earliest stages of design and hand in hand with requirements that we are required by the certification EDGE®, we make the preevaluaciones necessary through the tool EDGE app®, in their different categories such as energy, water and embodied energy in the materials, which allows us to make better design decisions, avoid cost overruns, rework and achieve the desired balance between investment, profitability, and energy efficiency.
3.Energetic modeling and preliminary Bioclimatic Design
One of the most important components in the development of the project is given in the initial stages and the basic criteria of bioclimatic design, in addition to the implementation of an energy model, a preliminary that will allow us to assess the possibilities of design and strategies to follow in an early stage of the project. In tahm we use the modeling energy and bioclimatic design, as a fundamental tool of the design and decision making.
4.Evaluation and Financial Analysis of sustainable strategies
An important feature of our work is the belief that a project sustainable and environmentally responsible, it is also efficient in cost and operation, in addition to being cost-effective. All the proposed strategies have a technical justification and financial, an analysis of economic viability, in addition to a validation of results during the operation of the building.
5.Integrated design and specifications for LEED®certification
The focus of work on sustainable starts from the pre-construction and initial conception of the project, involving all the specialists and, above all, listening to their opinions and proposals to achieve the common goal. Our team integrates all of these experiences and the plasma in the specifications and construction design, which integrate the project executive.
6.Application of National and International Standards
We are committed to continuous improvement and good practices in the field of design and sustainable construction, developing different alternatives for each project, whether it be the search of a certified local, to comply with any national regulations NOM or NMX, different types of certifications on a global level, LEED®, Edge®, SITE®, WELL®, etc., or simply the implementation of strategies to improve the efficiency, operation, and/or quality of the indoor environment of the building.